Which one is better? Buy new or refurbished iPhone 5?

Refurbished iPhone 5, the best cell phone  deals for low budget users

Today, a rumor about upcoming iPhone 5 released date is become the hot issue on several mobile phone forums. The release date of iPhone 5 is still mystery, since there is no official announcement make by Apple. Based on our observation so far, Apple is released their new products at the end of the month to the mid of the month.  Here is the history when Apple released their products: iPhone – Jun 29th, 2007, iPhone 3G – July 11th, 2008, iPhone 3Gs – June 19th, 2009, and iPhone 4 – June 24th, 2010. So Apple should have released it June or Jully last month, but as we knew, it did not happen. Many observers say that iPhone 5 will release on October next month. We hope that Apple won’t delay it anymore.

refurbished iphone 5

What make iPhone 5 is better than iPhone 4?

It’s Weibo, Chinese social network, who just released an image showing x430 mAh battery and A5 chipset that possibly will use for iPhone 5, this is the same chipset used by iPad 2. If this is true, iPhone 5 will much better than iPhone 4 for the specs. The new iPhone will also used Apple newest operating system, iOS5, which is support for cloud service, iMessage, and much more services.

Are you ready with the arrival of the newest iPhone 5?

Of course, you have a desire to buy the latest version of the iPhone, but do you have enough budget to do that? If that so, refurbished iPhone 5 will be the best option for you.  Before you decide to buy refurbished iPhone 5, it’s better for you to know the advantages and disadvantages of refurbished phones.


The most important reasons to buy refurbished iphone 5 is that it will suit your pocket and save much of your money.

The second reason, if the previous owner had downloaded and install iPhone 5 apps, it's probably they will remain in it as it is.  So, you don’t have to spend extra money to download iphone 5 apps.


The most important disadvantages of buying refurbished iPhone 5 you have to know is about the warranty. You won’t have the same warranty as if you buy it new, you may just have 6-9 months of warranty.

You don’t know how the previous owner used the phone, so be careful when buy refurbished phone, check it more carefully before buying, make sure there are no damaged parts.

The best and safer way to buy refurbished iphone 5 is from company to company such as from official apple online store. So, check more carefully on all aspects before taking decision to buy refurbished cell phones.
